The guard rail on our Fulmar was loose and could not be tightened any more by pulling in the lashings. This was a combination of several of the stanchions being slightly bent in (prior to my ownership) and the wire having “sawed” the hole in the stanchion to more of a keyhole shape.
The proper answer was to replace wire and stanchions. However, the yard ran out of time to shorten the wires before she was launched. The guide estimate for new stanchions and bases were about £500, plus the disruption of the actual work. The partial answer, which will do for the moment, was to return the guide holes in the stanchions to round again and fit an insert. This actually was quite easy. The wire was unscrewed at the lashings end and taken forward, the hole was drilled out to 13mm two thirds of the way through and a
12mm length of stainless thin (pic of tube) walled tube pushed in with locktite to hold. I didn’t clean the cut edges of the small tube sections as the slight burr gave a little extra bite to the holding and the partial drilling out meant that the tube could not go all the way through. (Fig 3) Wire back in and the job has given me just a little more purchase on the lashings.