Technical Links

Selecting New Electronics
Gerry Beddoes came across an interesting marine electronics comparison site for those who want to compare the features and prices of all those chart plotters / vhf radios/ radars /AIS receivers etc. click here

Martin Paterson suggests Blue Moment that contains lots of useful links for engine manuals.

Piet Bos runs two really excellent sites Motoren contains many marine engine workshop manuals, see also Equipment containing many other manuals of interest to boatowners including a complete guide to 12Volt electrics on boats and a section on alternators.

Mark Turner found an excellent web site with Vire 7 engine info as fitted in a lot of smaller, older Westerlys. GoFree

Materials and Equipment
Tom Bishop recommends William Hackett Chain as a supplier of anchor chain William Hackett

Teak stock and custom marine teak woodwork suppliers: Thai Teak Marine

Hatch, window and locker seals for every purpose Seals Plus Direct

Suffolk Sailing Worth a try for competitive prices on liferafts, flares, lifejackets and spares, most safety products plus liferaft hire. Contact Tel: 01473 833010 or

Carisbrooke (Fareham) Ltd – Stainless steel fabrications
SS fabrications manufactured & designed since 1966, fabricated & designed for Westerly ’till 1980. Tailor made service available for all boats
Tel/fax 01329 823535 Workshop: 01329 280203, mobile 0411 661738

Winch & steering gear maintenance. Cliff Mogridge, who offers on-site servicing of winches, windlasses, steering gear and associated equipment on the South Coast is now the approved supplier and service agent for Lewmar/Whitlock steering gear.

Fox’s Marina & Boatyard
The complete service for the east coast. Workshops, rigging, yacht spray centre, electronics, rigging, engineering, stainless steel.
Tel: 01473 689111 Fax: 01473 601737 Chandlery: 01473 68431

Simon May, a well known face from Westerly Yachts tells us he is now working as a yacht surveyor, fully insured and affiliated to the YDSA He offers preferential terms for WOA members. For full details see

Nick Vass B,Sc. HND. YBDSA is a Marine Surveyor based in Salisbury, so handy for South and West coasts. His own boat is berthed in Brixham. He is the Technical Advisor and Newsletter Editor to the Hurley Owners Association and his first boat was a Westerly Windrush, back in 1985. He offers WOA members a hefty discount on quoting their membership number. email

Dr Harken
Free technical advice from Dr Harken on all your rigging questions. Just email your rigging query to the Dr Harken rigging clinic and he’ll get back to you with expert diagnosis and advice. See also rigging tutorials on the Harken website.