This picture was published in March 1966, so presumably taken in early 1966, or late 1965. It shows inside one of the Waterlooville production units at that time, fitting out a number of Westerly 22s (note the outboard wells) and, fifth boat along the wall, a Westerly 25 (note the fully retractable outboard housing). Also, sixth boat along the wall, is an unidentified hull moulding with a flush transom; early work on the 1967 Nomad perhaps?
Anyone recognise the young lads in the picture?
The two pictures below were taken inside a Waterlooville production Unit during the development of the Longbow in 1971. Although there appears to have been no effort made to clean up the working environment for the photoshoot, these pictures amazingly featured in the first Longbow brochure, including the collection of “Glamour Models” on the workshop wall near the bow in the first picture!